It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen – Muhammad Ali When I first read about affirmations, I wasn’t…
Focus on your strengths not your weaknesses
by Rockstar“Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.”- Marilyn vos Savant I’m born and raised in The Netherlands and it is not very common in our…
There is a famous quote by Buddha – “The mind is everything and what we think we become” some skepticals don’t believe this is a quote from Buddha, and you…
It sounds a bit controversial but you are 100% responsible for your burn-out so stop blaming others and don’t walk away from your responsibility! You are in charge of your…
Music is one of the most powerful tools we have to change our mindset, mood and behaviour. There are thousand of studies from scientist and psychologists that proves that music…
Feeling happy should not be an end goal or destination. Feeling happy should be an everyday way of living. Feeling happy is purely based on your own expectation of being…
During my burn-out I read a lot about what kind of people are more in the likelihood of becoming burn-out. I realize that all kinds of people are subjected to…